About me
Christopher is an Austrian writer, photographer, public speaker and artist based in Barcelona and Vienna. Having started his career in photojournalism and fashion photography, his HIV diagnosis shifted his main line of work on to subjects affiliated with HIV and sexuality. Regularly writing for german- and english speaking publications, he addresses living with HIV as a heterosexual male as well as related aspects associated with HIV and sexuality in a broader context – subjects like masculinity, sex-positive behaviour or discrimination are often themes of his work. Christopher Klettermayers’ artwork uses HIV as a vehicle to address sexuality as a whole – stigmas, behavioural attitudes and its digitalisation. Allowing for intimacy in his work, he tries to grasp his symbiotic relationship with the virus using photography, installations and writing. Christopher engages himself as a public speaker, where he talks about overcoming challenges imposed by an HIV diagnosis, be it of professional or personal nature. Currently he is studying to become a sexual coach. For the written work, the articles and up-to-date news, please visit www.cklettermayer.com